Wake-Up Call Saves Health Plan Over $3,000

dg-realtimechoices-blogWhen a plan member was referred recently to a New York area physician for a sleep study, she took it upon herself to compare costs at other facilities. Her research quickly showed that the provider’s price of $4,302 was much higher than the “fair” price of $1,300 available at another facility in her area. By using RealTimeChoices to access the Healthcare Bluebook, the member not only found a high quality local provider to conduct the sleep study, but saved $3,002 in the process!

RealTimeChoices is a convenient healthcare cost transparency tool (mobile app) available from Diversified Group, New England’s first and longest standing independent Third Party Administration firm. Easily accessed by website or mobile device, the RealTimeChoices app enables plan members to shop for and identify fair prices for healthcare services from physicians and other providers in their local area.

By following familiar red, yellow and green “traffic light” graphics, members can see the range of prices charged by various local providers for common services or procedures. Providers offering “fair” prices are easily identified by green indicators. Quality ratings and patient reviews are also available.

For more information on RealTimeChoices and other cost transparency tools, contact Diversified Group at 888-322-2524 or visit dgb-online.com.

Healthcare Bluebook Proves a Potential for Savings with RealTimeChoices

dg-realtimechoices-blogDiversified Group offers RealTimeChoices – an app accessible via website or mobile device that allows plan members to shop for and identify fair prices for healthcare services they need. This healthcare cost transparency tool also lets plan members find doctors or providers in their local area who offer that service along with quality ratings and patient reviews.

Putting this kind of control at the fingertips of the consumer gives them the necessary data to make better healthcare decisions. And, it’s not difficult to understand how better decision making can ultimately lead to lower costs – for plans and plan members alike. Recently the Healthcare Bluebook released their return on investment (ROI) statistics in relation to the RealTimeChoices program. Please note that these stats are subject to the client and the level of member engagement, etc.

  • Standard ROI projection is a savings of $1,500 per event
  • Overall savings estimates of 0.5% – 2.5% of total medical spend for clients using rewards

These are savings no one can afford to pass up, so give your plan members the tools they deserve to make the choices they need.

Learn more about RealTimeChoices or contact a Diversified Group Sales Representative at 888-322-2524.

RealTimeChoices Mobile App Puts Cost Transparency at Your Fingertips

dg-real-time-choices-blogWhile everyone talks about healthcare cost transparency, Diversified Group is taking action by implementing the RealTimeChoices mobile app from American Health Data Institute.

With a website and mobile app displaying easy to follow “traffic light” graphics, RealTimeChoices gives members the critical tools they have always lacked…

  • The ability to compare prices for more than 200 common procedures
  • A mobile app that makes it easy to receive healthcare services at a fair price
  • A rating system that provides “below fair pricing” and rewards up to $100 per procedure

Finally a system that gives members the data needed to make intelligent decisions. And better decision making means lower costs – for your members and your plan.